1. Mother House
This house was opened on May 6, 1890 in General Pardiñas, 34, Madrid.
At this time, the work that depends on this community as its mission is the education of children and youth from 2 to 18 years of age in School Immaculate Conception. It imparts a comprehensive education that encompasses all aspects of the person: human, intellectual and religious. For this, it offers, in addition to academic teaching, a set of complementary activities and constant teacher training.
2. Community of School - Immaculate Conception
This house was opened on May 6, 1890 in General Pardiñas, 34, Madrid.
At this time, the work that depends on this community as its mission is the education of children and youth from 2 to 18 years of age in School Immaculate Conception. It imparts a comprehensive education that encompasses all aspects of the person: human, intellectual and religious. For this, it offers, in addition to academic teaching, a set of complementary activities and constant teacher training.
3. Community - School "Santa Monica"
The community was founded in October 1, 1969. The main mission of the community is to provide comprehensive care for university residents of Santa Monica Degree College which is affiliated to Complutense University. The sister work in the education field in the college.

4. Community - Boiro
The community was established in the in Madrid in 1972.

5. Community - Ulises
The community was established in the in Madrid in 1972 and was the Provincial House of St. Monica House. It is a community which welcomes sisters coming from Africa and sisters passing through and also sisters and laity who come for various meetings. The sisters also collaborate in various activities of the Parish.

6. Community of the nursing home "Villa Santa Monica" - Becerril de la Sierra
The community was founded in June 28, 1983. In Becerril de la Sierra on the outskirts of Madrid. The community of sisters of "Villa Santa Monica" have the mission of taking care of the sisters who are sick and elderly.

7. Community "Mother of Good Counsel" Galapagar
The community was founded on June 23, 2002. It is the residence for elderly and sick sisters who need to be assisted.