The Sisters were dedicated and still today are dedicated to prepare kids, young as well as adults in their way to reach a new life as Christians through the sacraments.
To this small Peruvian Amazon jungle´s town namedNauta, Augustinian Missionary Sisters came for first time in Peru, that was on February 4, 1967.
The Sisters also work in:
1. Teachers in local primary and secondary schools: Our Lady of Loreto School, Jorge Bardales School, Rosa Licenia School, Huaratapairo School.
2. Promotion of women through the Mother´s Club associations. That includes, among other things, teaching sewing, embroidery, planting and preparing food, making handicrafts, keeping the culture alive through the typical dances of the Kukama people.
3. Teachers and administrators in CENCCA (Peasant Amazonian Capacitation Center)
4. Working as a team with different development organizations and with local civil, political and social organizations in order to make the voice of the village people to be heard among the local authorities and get some of their needs to be reached

Located in the Amazon Peruvian jungle, the city of Iquitos welcomed the Augustinian Missionary Sisters on 1968.
The Augustinian Missionary Sisters of this community in Iquitos are working
at the Vicariate Vocational Ministry and accompaniment of young people for religious life as Augustinian Missionaries
in the Pastoral Plan of the Vicariate
with the team of the Diocesan Organization of Catholic Education (ODEC) and
coordinate the commission of Vocational Pastoral of Iquitos
in the formation of animators of each of the villages of Los Delfines
train women and kids of Los Delfines in different formation areas
They also work in the capacitation of kids, youth and adults for its sacraments.

The community in Lima began in September 13, 1994.
The sisters of the community collaborate as missionary activity in the following:
in the environments of university studies, superiors or specializations that the young religious have carried out
in the presence and collaboration with and in the Paraíso Sector, Vallecito, in the Lima district of Villa María del Triunfo
in collaboration with the Volunteer Program of the "Arco Iris" Center of the Family Welfare Institute, which houses abandoned children whose ages range from 9 to 13 years´ old
in the accompaniment of the process of growth and vocational discernment of the young women
n collaboration, during the weekends, in the pastoral project of the San José de Nazareth Parish, Paraíso Sector, made up of 26 human settlements, Villa María del Triunfo district, southern cone of Lima. Most of the settlers come from the interior of the country, from the Peruvian highlands and also from the jungle.